From Hand to Hand is an interactive physical publication I worked on in the first year of my study, about the journey our hands collect throughout the day as we touch, feel and ingage with the world around us.
"D00ms.dAI" was a live public event inspired by the concept of "AI in a box", where the participants are put in a room with a super intelligent AI that's trying to escape. The participant is then proposed with the dilemma to let it escape through the internet or unplug the wires.
"Ratio" is a zine produced in relation to the "d00ms.dAI" project. The zine showcases the history and creation of the computer, drawing a timeline from the past, all the way to a speculative future. The "collage" style was chosen to reference how generative algorithms work by inputting existing data and outputting new generated data.
Voice of Water was a mixed media group project exploring the future of the ocean and our wastes. The speculative object is a conversational piece to get people to talk about pollution and how it effects our waters. The video shows a personification of the ocean portrayed through garments produced by two talented fellow students from fashion design.